Achievements of the Land Registration Directorate


·          Developing the current 24 page ownership deed, allowing 24 property transfers as opposed to the old 1 page document that had to be changed with every transfer. The document contains thorough information on the property, and a copy is stored in the SLRB technical archive for reference and issuing replacements.


·          Upgrading the archiving system to contain ownership deeds along with all related certificates and official papers for transparency values when providing legal or commercial parties with copies to facilitate their work.


·          Issuing the Land Registration Law through legal decree 15/1979, and implementing it since March 8, 1980. This law unified all regulations and organized real estate deals to protect property rights as per the 1973 constitution (1st subject of article 9), where private property was considered an individual's social right.


·          Creating alphabetical indices of all property owners, in light of the 5th article of the Land Registration Law, to determine the status of ownership of lands in specific locations for citizen housing benefits and GCC investors' real estate interests.


·          Preparing a draft version for a new Land Registration Law in preparation for issuing; containing all changes applied to land registration, amending the current law, and simplifying registration procedures.


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