The Kingdom of Bahrain: Facts & Figures
The Kingdom is an archipelago of 33 islands strategically located at the center of the Arabian Gulf's southern shore, in the area between the 26 00 N, 50 33 E latitude and longitude bearings (coordinates), 16 km away from Saudi Arabia and 54 km away from Qatar.
The 25 km King Fahad Causeway links
Muharraq is
· Marine Borders: approx. 442 km.
· Coastlines: 673 km.
· Highest Point of Natural Elevation: Jabal Addukhan (literally:
· Highest Point of Man-made Elevation:
· Deepest Subaquatic Point: 69 m North of
· Climate: low rainfall, high temperature, and extreme humidity:
o Summer: soaring temperatures, no rainfall, and humidity exceeding 80%.
o Winter: low to moderate temperatures, longer days, low to moderate rainfall.
o Fall/Spring: relatively short and dominated by the 2 main seasons.
· Religion: (est.) 81.2% Muslim, 9% Christian, and 9.8% Others (Jewish, Hindu, Baha'ee, Sikh, etc.).
· Languages: Arabic, English, Persian, Urdu, Others.
· Education: The 1st school was established in 1919 to gradually end traditional teaching and nowadays 270 public and private schools exist, besides 15 or so universities and 50 institutes in various fields.
· Culture: exposure to many civilizations and cultures, in addition to being open to the rest of the world left a legacy of good local and foreign publication, several theatres, cinemas, salons, and a renowned museum.